Muninet Fiber Optic Cable
Muninet Fiberoptic Cable
Muninet Fiberoptic Cable

Welcome to Muninet!

MuniNet’s current Utility members are Murray Electric System (MES), Mayfield Electric and Water System (MEWS), Paducah Power System (PPS), Princeton Electric Plant Board (PEPB), Hopkinsville Electric System (HES), Russellville Electric Plant Board (REPB), and Glasgow Electric Plant Board (GEPB).

Chairman- Tony Thompson (MES)
Vice-Chairman & General Manager- Dave Clark (PPS)
CFO-Debbie Adams (MES)
Treasurer- Chad Lawson (MES)
Secretary & CTO-Brent Shelton (PPS)
Marty Ivy (MEWS)
Mike Hodges (MEWS)
John Humphries (PEPB)
Kevin Kizzee (PEPB)
Austin Carroll (HES)
Richard Shaw (HES)
Larry Wilcutt (REPB)
Jeff Borders (REPB)
Billy Ray (GEPB)
Josh Francis (GEPB)

Muninet Fiberoptic Cable